All Natural Bug Spray for those pesky mosquitos
1 tsp. lemongrass oil
1 tsp. eucalypluas oil
1 tsp. citronellal oil
6 oz WitchHazel
Mix and pour into pretty spray bottles to keep handy on the porch. Smells so good I'm tempted to squirt just for the aroma!
The first day of summer came and went without comment. Little was the longest day of the year. And felt like the hottest. We've already seen tempatures in the mid-90s with a forecast of 100 degrees by the weekend. What's a person to do?
I know what I don't want to do. And that is miss out.
Because if I'm not careful one day pretty much feels like the next. And that's not how I hope to spend the lazy, hazy days of summer.
You see, I've got this tiny voice whispering in my ear, coming from an imaginary, drop-dead Fred kinda guy. And he's got lots of ideas, all kinds of things he swears I could do to enjoy the summer. Trouble is, he keeps forgetting I'm not a kid any more.
Seriously. Polar Bear swimming at dawn?
I'm so sure.
Eat peanutbutter toast and icy cold milk outside sitting on the front steps.
Geez, Louise.
Remember all the slippery fun and refreshing hours spent running under the water-sprinkle?
Dream on.
I'm a grownup with a to-do list a mile long...laundry, cleaning shopping and meal planning. My chores are endless. You think I can drop everything and play?
So what do you do when it's so blasted hot?
I'd love to hear your ideas.